
What is a leader?
According to the Oxford Dictionary, a leader is “a person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country.” A leader’s role is to lead his followers and to carry them along with him, to the path of success. In order to be a good leader, a person must possess a certain amount of qualities. One major quality that a good leader must possess is the ability to inspire and influence people. A leader with the use of words and wisdom, should be able to gain followers who are willing to fight for the same objective. Not only, to obtain people who believe in the same purpose as the leader does, but to also change people’s minds and way of thinking, to also, follow the same goals as them. An example of this could be of the Fuhrer of Germany, Adolf Hitler. Hitler through his speeches was able to inspire a lot of people to fight against the United States and the other allied countries. Although, Hitler may have committed a massive amount of crimes against humanity, he was still a good leader, as he was loyal to his people and was able to inspire them to fight for Germany. Another thing a good leader should possess is passion and willingness to succeed and achieve their goal. A leader should be passionate about what he is fighting for, and not be hypocritical. Finally, a good leader should always be creative, he should want to bring change to the world. He should always think of new ideas and strategies instead, of using the same old one’s used in the past. Creativity is the most key quality a leader should possess. These are the qualities I believe a good leader should possess.

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