
Steve Jobs suffered a lot of problems whilst, creating Apple, he was kicked out of his own company, and forced to start a rival company against it. Although, the time’s he was CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs could be considered a very effective leader, as he was able to meet deadlines given to him by the board, he was able to collaborate and communicate with his staff, he was able to recruit new members that would assist Jobs in the creation of his projects. Although, Jobs demanded for creativity and quality of work, his ideas and beliefs were true. Jobs was a perfectionist and he wanted perfection in all of his works. Even with some blatant and brutal remarks, he was still able to get his staffs attention and respect for him. After, Jobs was remade CEO in 1998, he brought back Apple from the ground and was able to follow his dreams. Steve Jobs was successfully able to shape his subordinates to be somewhat exactly like him mentally, he was able to influence people to be creative and always think of new ideas, thus, to never stop innovating. His leadership skills and creative thinking are the main reasons for the success of Apple, today. Even after his death, Jobs has kept his legacy through his work.

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