Who is Steve Jobs?

Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco, California on February 25, 1955, to two University of Wisconsin graduate students who put him up for adoption. As a child, he was adopted by Clara and Paul Jobs, who named him Steven Paul Jobs. Jobs’ father was a Coast Guard veteran and a machinist whilst, his mother was an accountant. Through his father, Jobs learned a lot about Machines thus, creating his passion for Electronics. He was an incredibly smart kid although, very distracted and always messed around. In 1971, he was introduced to his future partner, Steve Wozniak. They both shared a passion for electronics, thus got along with each other. In 1974, he took a position as a video game designer in Atari, which was the top gaming developing company at that time. Several months later, Steve left Atari to live a Bohemian life and began testing psychedelic drugs. At the age of 21, he got together with Wozniak and duo started Apple Computers. Their idea was to revolutionize the computer industry by making the computers compact and cheaper, so that they are easily available for all consumers. Within, three years the company’s sales were $139 million. Apple computer became a publicly trading company, with a market value of $1.2 billion. However, after the Apple II, the next few products suffered from significant design flaws. Thus, the executives believed that Jobs was hurting Apple and fired him from his own company. Jobs then purchased an animation company from George Lucas, and named it Pixar Studios, which later became a major animation company and was merged with Disney, thus, making Jobs Disney’s biggest shareholder. Steve Jobs later returned to his post as the CEO of Apple in 1997. With his return to Apple, Jobs was able to bring Apple back on track by creating many ingenious products like the iPhone, Mac and iPod, have made Apple what it is today.

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